Do I still need to do my exercises?

Your physio will be able to advise what to do after you have an injection. Essentially, the injection can allow for a pain free window in which the exercises will be more comfortable and can help to treat the underlying cause of your pain.

Can I go back to work after my injection?

Yes – We normally advise 24-48 hours of relative rest after an injection but this would largely depend on the type of work that you do. If you do a very physical job you might want to take a two days off or book the injection around a time which suits you.

Can I drive after my injection?

Yes – There is no reason that you would not be able to drive once having a steroid injection however if you are unsure or this is your first steroid injection, then it would be best to get someone to bring you to the appointment.

How many injections can I have?

The number of injections you can have will vary depending on the joint and condition we are treating. Your physiotherapist will be able to guide as to the most appropriate treatment.

How effective are steroid injections?

Steroid injections can be really effective and can begin working quickly and can continue to improve for up to six weeks. There are many factors which can impact upon how effective the injection is, which can be as simple as the condition, how your body uptakes the injection, or the type of steroid that is used.

Who is the app for?

Our getUBetter app is easy to download and use – Click Here to register and follow the instructions to access your recovery plan.

Our app will also connect you to local services if you need further support or treatment, including physiotherapy.

Is the app easy to use?

Our getUBetter app is easy to download and use – Click Here to register and follow the instructions to access your recovery plan.

It is already being used by many people across the country to effectively self-manage their musculoskeletal condition or injury and help them recover. 

Support is available using the app if you need it – Click Here

Do I have to use the app?

It is a quick, easy, effective and safe way to help you self-manage your musculoskeletal condition or injury and help you recover.  Our physiotherapists encourage you to use it, whether you are currently waiting for treatment or not.

We do recognise that some people cannot or would prefer not to use this type of technology.  Physiotherapy services are still available, and you can access these via your usual route.

Is it safe for me to exercise with my health condition?

Yes – There is overwhelming evidence that exercise and being physically active is essential if you want to live a healthy and fulfilling life into old age whether you have a health condition or not. The most important thing is to find an exercise or physical activity you like so that you stick with it and build up gradually in relation to your current fitness levels.

Are there cures for mental health problems?

It is often more realistic and helpful to find out what helps with the issues you face. Talking, counselling, medication, friendships, exercise, good sleep and nutrition, and meaningful work can all help.

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