My doctor says I have plantar fasciitis, is there a cure?

Yes! Plantar fasciitis is a common foot complaint where you may have heel pain that can extend into the arch of the foot. It is often most painful when you first get out of bed in the morning or when you get up from a chair after sitting.
Treatment normally consists of calf stretching exercises, massage into the base of the foot, footwear modification and gel or soft heel cushions that can be inserted into shoes.
Wearing well cushioned footwear indoors and avoiding walking in bare feet can also help.
Please read the section on Plantar Fasciitis and check out the links for information and exercises that can help.

Could I have arthritis in my feet?

Yes, osteoarthritis can affect any joint in the foot.
It is a degenerative, inflammatory problem that can cause episodic pain and swelling in a joint or joints and can sometimes cause bone enlargement.
As we get older, osteoarthritis can be linked to changes in the shape of feet, which may cause pain. It is more common in people 40 years old and above, if you are overweight or obese, if you have had a previous foot or ankle injury or previous surgery in that area. It can also be genetic.
If you have pain associated with osteoarthritis in the feet the treatment and management is often around footwear advice, activity modification, strengthening any weak muscles and stretching any tight muscles.
Please see Self Help section for further information and exercises to try.

Why do I have a bunion?

Bunions are very common and are not always a cause of pain.
They are bony lumps that develop on the inside of the foot at the base of the big toe and may affect one or both feet. Sometimes as the bunions develop, the big toes may be pushed over towards the smaller toes.
If there is pain at the base of the big toe then the advice is often around modifying your footwear for comfort, pacing your activities and ensuring there is no rubbing or skin irritation.
Please see the Bunion section for further information.

My x-rays show I have osteoarthritis – does this mean it is bad?

There is a poor link between changes visible on x-ray and symptoms of osteoarthritis. You can be in lots of pain but have minimal changes on x-ray and vice versa. Changes seen on X-ray does not mean you have to stop being active – Keeping active can help hip pain.

Do I need an x-ray for my osteoarthritis?

An x-ray is not necessary to diagnose arthritis. It is only needed if you are going to have joint replacement surgery. An x-ray can be useful if it is not obvious if the hip joint is contributing to your symptoms and your symptoms are lasting longer than 3 months.

I have osteoarthritis; do I need a joint replacement?

Most people will never need a joint replacement and can manage their symptoms conservatively.

Can I have a steroid injection for my hip pain?

Physiotherapists are able to perform steroid injections for greater trochanteric pain syndrome, but not for hip osteoarthritis pain. Whilst injections can be very effective in the short term, research shows medium to long term relief is not often achieved, and physiotherapy is the best long-term option for pain relief. Your physiotherapist will be able to discuss if an injection is appropriate if you are being seen within the Physiotherapy Outpatient Service.

Do I need a walking aid?

If it is too painful to walk and you are limping then a walking aid will probably help. You could try a walking stick or a pair of crutches.

When should I go to A&E?

You should go to A&E if you have had a serious fall or accident, if you are unable to bear any weight or unable to move your leg, or if you have hip pain alongside a fever/ generally unwell.

I think I have a tendinopathy, should I rest it?

It is important not to overdo exercise if you feel you may have a tendinopathy. Equally it is important not to completely rest. Find a suitable amount of daily activity that you can manage and try to gradually increase this as the pain subsides.

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