How can I have Tennis Elbow when I don’t play tennis?

Tennis Elbow is the common term for lateral epicondylitis. You don’t have to play tennis to get this condition.

Any repetitive wrist extension activities can cause the pain. It occurs when the tendon that produces wrist extension becomes irritated at the point it attaches to your elbow.

The pain from tennis elbow is usually on a very specific spot around the joint.

How can I have Golfers Elbow when I don’t play golf?

Golfers Elbow is like tennis elbow but occurs on the opposite side of your elbow. Golfers elbow is the common term for medial epicondylitis. You don’t have to play golf to get this condition.

Any repetitive wrist flexion activities can cause the pain. It occurs when the tendon that produces wrist flexion becomes irritated at the point it attaches to your elbow.

The pain from Golfers elbow is usually on a very specific spot around the joint.

Can Physiotherapy help tennis elbow or golfers elbow?

Yes – Please see the type and Self Help section. for further advice and exercises to treat these elbow conditions.

Can you get osteoarthritis of the elbow joint?

Yes. This is not a common site to get osteoarthritis, but it can happen.

It is usually associated with prolonged and repetitive stressful activities to the elbow or after a bony injury in previous years.

Osteoarthritis of your elbow joint may cause it to ache with some loss of movement too.

Can physiotherapy help olecranon bursitis?

Possibly – Olecranon Bursitis is a condition characterized by swelling, redness and pain at the tip of the elbow.

It can occur after a bang to the elbow, repetitive elbow movements or due to infection. It can also sometimes be due to gout or rheumatoid arthritis.

Treatment usually involves avoiding further trauma and non steroidal anti-inflammatories. If there are concerns regarding an infection, the fluid should be drained and sent to be tested. If an infection is then found antibiotics may be prescribed by your doctor.

A physiotherapist can advise on modification of your activity, and may also drain the bursa and possibly give a steroid injection to help settle the pain and inflammation.

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