Knee Pain Symptom Checker
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is a ligament injury – Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire. ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support.
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is a meniscus (cartilage) injury – Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support.
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is a muscle strain – Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support.
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is a condition called Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome especially if you are less than 30 years old – Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support.
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is Osteoarthritis especially if you are over 55 years old - Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support. If you have been told your X-ray shows arthritis, the extent of these joint changes do not always correlate with the severity of your pain. To find out more please visit our Knee Osteoarthritis page on our website.
Your knee symptoms could be a problem primarily coming from your hip. Click Here to continue Symptom Checker for hip related problems or contact your GP for advice regarding these symptoms.
The probable cause of your knee symptoms is Osteoarthritis especially if you are over 55 years old - Click Here for further information and self help. Also, complete the short questionnaire ‘Is My Knee Pain Likely To Persist?’ to help you identify the likelihood that your pain is going to continue over the next 6 months and whether you need some extra support.
Your knee symptoms are more likely to be a problem primarily coming from your back. Click Here to continue Symptom Checker for back related problems.
The cause of your knee pain is uncertain. Please contact your GP for advice if necessary.