Musculoskeletal Risk Stratification
This section is ONLY to be completed by people who have been referred to the Provide Physiotherapy Outpatients Service and have recently received contact from the service requesting to complete these additional questions in order to process your referral.
These 10 questions regarding your musculoskeletal problem that you have been referred for physiotherapy will provide essential information to assist the service in identifying the most appropriate level of care you need to manage your problem effectively.
Your answers will be linked to your current referral once you have submitted this online and you will be contacted by the service following a robust triage process to be informed of what level of care you require.
If you do not provide this additional information within 7 days of receiving contact from the service, your referral will not be able to be processed and will be returned to your referrer.
The Keele STarT MSK Tool © Self-report version